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1107 results
  1. IWF research on child sex abuse live-streaming reveals 98% of victims are 13 or under

  2. IWF responds to Online Harms White Paper: Let’s do the right thing online for victims of child sexual abuse

    The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) welcomes the opportunity the Online Harms White Paper consultation brings and looks forward to helping government and policy makers to shape positive regulation to protect children online.

  3. IWF response to Coimisiún na Meán’s call for inputs, online safety

    Developing Ireland’s first binding Online Safety Code for Video Sharing Platforms

  4. IWF Response to Home Affairs Select Committee Report

    IWF's response the Home Affairs Select Committee report which finding that Police Forces are not adequately equipped to handle high volumes of digital evidence.

  5. IWF Response to Prime Minister’s Statement

    This morning (22 July) the Prime Minister made a statement on government efforts to protect children online.

  6. IWF response to the announcements made by the UK’s Home Office on data sharing and encryption

  7. IWF scoops 20th Anniversary ISPA Award

  8. IWF scoops top tech gong

  9. IWF sets sights on tackling online child sexual abuse to mark 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

  10. IWF shortlisted twice for ISPA Safety Award

  11. IWF sounds alarm for young people and parents as sharing of nudes becomes ‘normalised’ in UK schools

    A new national campaign features suggestive images of fruit, while radio ads feature Cunk on Earth star Diane Morgan.

  12. IWF Statement on UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Day of General Discussion