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1122 results
  1. IWF Domain Services Application

  2. IWF finalist in 2013 ISPA Awards

    We are extremely pleased to announce the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) is a finalist in the 2013 ISPA Awards, nominated in the Internet Security and Safety category.

  3. IWF finalist in Nominet Internet Awards 2013

    We are delighted to announce the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) is a finalist in the 2013 Nominet Internet Awards, nominated in the Making the internet a safer place category.

  4. IWF forward planning date

  5. IWF global figures show online child sexual abuse imagery up by a third

  6. IWF has record month as public reports of child sexual abuse surge

    IWF analysts have seen accelerating numbers of public reports of child sexual abuse, with more people staying and working from home among contributing factors.

  7. IWF Hash List announcement at Global Summit

    Phased implementation of the IWF Hash List, nets nearly 19,000 child sexual abuse images.

  8. IWF hosts Italian Hotline to share best practice thanks to INHOPE programme

    On Wednesday (23 September) myself and the IWF team welcomed Rosalba Ceravolo from Telefono Azzurro into our office to better understand how our two hotlines tackle child sexual abuse online content.

  9. IWF Hotline Manager wins Unsung Hero Award for 'profound' contribution to keeping the internet safe

    Chris Hughes, who has worked at the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) for nearly nine years, oversees the IWF’s hotline and leads a team of analysts whose job is to assess images and videos of suspected child sexual abuse to help get them removed from the internet.

  10. IWF is finalist for innovation and product awards

  11. IWF is named a finalist in ISPA Awards

  12. IWF joins coalition of charities raising concerns over the European Commission’s E-Privacy Directive