Search Results

1121 results
  1. Unique image analysis

  2. Unitary

  3. UNiTE to end violence against girls on Orange Day

    The United Nations (UN) campaign focuses on using technology to end violence against women and girls.

  4. University of Hertfordshire

  5. University of Sussex

  6. University of Winchester

  7. URL blocking FAQs

    FAQs about our dynamic URL List, a comprehensive list of webpages where we’ve confirmed images and videos of child sexual abuse. All IWF Members can use this List, under licence, so that they can block access to these criminal webpages.

  8. URL Blocking: Good Practice

    Blocking access to child sexual abuse content by our Members is carried out on a voluntary basis and is a short-term disruption tactic which works alongside the removal of content at source.

  9. URL List

    A list of webpages that we know contain pictures and videos of child sexual abuse so Members can block access.

  10. URL List Policy

    The principles and procedures under which the child sexual abuse content URL list is made available to members and under licence to specific non-members.

  11. Useful links

    Our work specifically relates to images and videos showing child sexual abuse online. Here are useful links if you need help with something else.

  12. Usenet Express