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1107 results
  1. Internet Watch Foundation, Stop It Now, and Pornhub launch first of its kind chatbot to prevent child sexual abuse

    People trying to view sexual images of children online will trigger a first-of-its-kind chatbot, which has launched to help potential offenders stop their behaviour.

  2. Internet Watch Foundation’s ‘Game On’ workshops with Everton FC nominated for three awards

  3. IQ Global

  4. iQ Global comes on board as new IWF Member

    The commitment to the IWF means that iQ Global can provide its customers who are IWF Members with secure access to a vital IWF tool to protect their customers.

  5. Is this the UK’s toughest job?

  6. ISPA UK

  7. IT Systems

  8. IT Systems is latest Member to join IWF

  9. It takes just one call from the public...

    Sharing the load brings successes. We see that every day at the IWF – whether that’s working as a team to assess the hundreds of reports we receive of suspected child sexual abuse images, or when we link with the police in the UK and further afield to provide intelligence.

  10. IWF 'at the heart' of national response to fighting indecent images of children, report says

    The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) today (12 March) published its report into the growing problem of “online-facilitated child sexual abuse”.

  11. IWF 'heroes' step up to tackle 5K challenge

    Members of the public can help us raise money to help our mission to keep children safe online and protect victims of abuse

  12. IWF 'increasingly concerned about impact of pornography on the lives of young children' as age verification measures not included in new Bill

    Last week, the UK Government published the draft draft Online Safety Bill which aims to “put an end to harmful practices online".