Two people sitting at a desk looking at code on a computer screen

IWF Careers

Job vacancies

Internal Communications Officer (12 months fixed term contract - 3 days per week)

We’ve launched ‘Project Change’ at IWF. It’s a transformation programme to lead IWF into the future. We will better support our Members, help them meet the requirements of increasing global regulation, supercharge our technical capability and ultimately benefit victims of child sexual abuse.

You will work with the Project Change Manager and the Communications Team to ensure that all areas of the organisation are kept informed and engaged with the change programme.

You will develop an approach that focuses on constructing messaging, presentations, reports and other relevant collateral that supports the programme, with a strong focus on people.

Download the Recruitment Pack for more info. 

The closing date for applications is Sunday 2 March 2025.

Applicants will need to complete the following: 

Applications and questions about the role can be emailed to [email protected] 


Caring for our staff

IWF may operate in a highly advanced technological world, but it’s the expertise and experience of our analysts that sets us apart. We give all our staff the flexibility and reassurance they need to manage their home and work life.

  • All new analysts go through a specially developed induction training programme to help them mentally process and cope with exposure to disturbing images.
  • Our analysts’ working hours are restricted; they take regular timetabled breaks and are encouraged to take more breaks as and when they need.
  • All our staff work shorter days to ensure their personal lives don’t suffer, and we don’t allow analysts to work overtime.
  • Each month our analysts have individual mandatory counselling sessions and all employees who see criminal imagery have an annual full psychological assessment.
  • Everyone who works for us is offered counselling support.

We work in partnership with internet service providers, telecommunication companies, mobile operators, software providers, the police, Government, the public, other NGOs and charities to minimise the availability of child sexual abuse images and videos online. Our tech-for-good solutions make the internet safer for everyone to use and help children move on from their traumatic experiences.

More about life at IWF

Sad child

Pixels from a Crime Scene

Our podcast

Award ceremony
Our awards
Our values