For the first time, people in Madagascar will have a safe and anonymous place to report criminal images and videos of children suffering sexual abuse.
The portal gives people in El Salvador a safe, anonymous place to report child sexual abuse material if they accidentally find it online.
‘We know viewing images and videos of child sexual abuse is not a victimless crime. Some of the worst abuse is perpetrated against children’.
People in Senegal will now be able to report child sexual abuse if they stumble across it online.
The IWF has partnered with Facebook, Peace One Day, and the Government of Mali to keep children in Mali safe online.
‘Wherever criminals seek to make children victims, and wherever children risk being harmed by the proliferation of this evil material, people must come together to fight it. That is exactly what has happened here in Haiti’
Despite travel bans, experts say there must be no delaying what could be a ‘significant’ move for children’s online safety.