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5 results
  1. Prime Minister must act on threat of AI as IWF ‘sounds alarm’ on first confirmed AI-generated images of child sexual abuse

    IWF confirms it has begun to see AI-generated imagery of child sexual abuse being shared online, with some examples being so realistic they would be indistinguishable from real imagery.

  2. AI – the power to harm and to help. New podcast episode from the IWF

    This episode explores what needs to be done to try and control the explosion in harmful AI-generated child sexual abuse imagery.

  3. ‘Worst nightmares’ come true as predators are able to make thousands of new AI images of real child victims

    AI-Generated Child Abuse Sexual Imagery Threatens to “Overwhelm” Internet

  4. AI must be a force for good and not a threat to children

    The capacity for horrific images of AI-generated child sexual abuse to be reproduced at scale was underlined by IWF in the lead-up to the UK government’s AI Safety Summit.

  5. How AI is being abused to create child sexual abuse imagery

    IWF research into how artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used to create child sexual abuse imagery online