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72 results
  1. White Bullet collaborates with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) to reduce child sexual exploitation online

    IWF and Cyber safety technology company, White Bullet, announce their collaboration to stop the monetisation of child sexual abuse images and videos through digital advertising.

  2. New IWF members aim to help fight to rid the internet of child sexual abuse images and videos

    Online advertising company ExoClick joins the IWF as a member.

  3. Children may be at greater risk of grooming during coronavirus pandemic as IWF braces for spike in public reports

    Analysts at the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) are preparing for an increase in public reporting of criminal material as a result of millions of people self-isolating at home.

  4. Abusive comments are one of the main causes of upset for young people online

  5. New online safety legislation needs to be made more robust MPs warn

    The IWF is calling for greater clarity on online harms as MPs warn new online safety legislation needs to be made more robust to help keep children safe online.

  6. Today (December 14) the Joint Committee published its report on the Government’s draft Online Safety Bill

    The report acknowledges the IWF plays a central role in this area, and said the Government needs to provide more clarity about how Ofcom will work with organisations like the IWF.

  7. Fears for children as Online Safety Bill delayed

    The IWF has warned momentum must not be lost in the fight to protect children from predators and abusers online as key legislation suffers a delay in Parliament.

  8. The consequences of delaying the Online Safety Bill

    The IWF says delaying the Online Safety Bill will see more children victimised and sexually abused amid fears the long-awaited legislation is set to suffer another delay.

  9. IWF calls for swift action to ensure laws to protect children’s safety online are not at risk

    The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) is urging Ministers to act swiftly and ensure world-leading legislation to protect children online is not put at risk by further Government delays.

  10. Praise for IWF Hotline as Government looks to tackle internet grooming

    Minister praises work to find and remove images and videos of child sexual abuse from the internet, and says new legislation will aim to tackle the issue.

  11. IWF working with Ministers to protect children during coronavirus lockdown

    'The Minister of State for Security, James Brokenshire and the Minister for Safeguarding, Victoria Atkins engaged the Internet Watch Foundation on the threat during the pandemic.'

  12. IWF supports calls to speed up online harms legislation