Messaging app Telegram will deploy new tools to prevent the spread of images of child sexual abuse after teaming up with the Internet Watch Foundation.
The amount of AI-generated child sexual abuse content is “chilling” and reaching a “tipping point”, according to the Internet Watch Foundation.
The cyber criminals dupe victims into sending nude images and then extort them.
AI-Generated Child Abuse Sexual Imagery Threatens to “Overwhelm” Internet
The US now hosts more child sexual abuse material online than any other country
Digital fingerprints of a million images of child sexual abuse have been created, the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) has said.
Jordan King, reporter for Metro, looks at IWF transcripts showing actual conversations between online groomers and child victims
Senior writer at WIRED, Matt Burgess, looks into Pornhub trialling a new automated tool that pushes CSAM-searchers to seek help for their online behaviour
Tamsin McNally, Hotline Manager at the IWF, appeared live on National BBC Breakfast news to warn about the increasing prevalence of “sextortion” online.
Prof Hany Farid says all online services should adopt idea backed by GCHQ and National Cybersecurity Centre