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96 results
  1. Biggest telecoms and digital services company in NZ plays its part in securing a safer internet for all

    New Zealand’s largest telecommunications and digital services company, Spark, joins the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), to help keep the internet free from child sexual abuse content.

  2. Privacy Notice

    Information from IWF on how we handle the privacy of stakeholder data and information.

  3. Information Security Statement

    It is IWF policy to make every effort to protect our information assets from threats – whether they be internal or external, deliberate or accidental.

  4. IWF Wins British Data Award 2022

    IWF has been named Not for Profit of the Year at the British Data Awards 2022.

  5. 20,000 reports of coerced ‘self-generated’ sexual abuse imagery seen in first half of 2022 show 7- to 10-year-olds

    New data released by the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) shows almost 20,000 webpages of child sexual abuse imagery in the first half of 2022 included ‘self-generated’ content of 7- to 10-year-old children.

  6. IWF welcomes new online safety rules but warns more still needs to be done to make sure children are safe online

    The Age Appropriate Design Code sets out 15 standards that online services need to follow.

  7. Laws for NPI Content

    The IWF's role regarding government legislation on the possession of non-photographic visual depictions of the sexual abuse of children.

  8. Sexual abuse imagery of primary school children 1,000 per cent worse since lockdown

    IWF warns full effects of lockdown are only now becoming apparent as younger children are groomed into sexual abuse online.

  9. ‘Exponential increase in cruelty’ as sextortion scams hit younger victims

    Reports involving sexual extortion are on the rise as criminals become more ‘adept’ at targeting younger children.

  10. 40% increase in people seeking charity’s help to stop looking at online sexual images of children

  11. IWF Deputy CEO Fred Langford awarded an Honorary Doctorate for his child protection work

  12. Help the IWF tackle child sexual abuse online at our second Online Child Safety Hackathon