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16 results
  1. Join Safer Internet Day 2018!

  2. On Safer Internet Day we come together for a better internet

  3. Government praises Safer Internet Day and pledges to work with Safer Internet Centre

    Digital Minister Matt Warman paid tribute to the event which took place on Tuesday. 

  4. UK Safer Internet Centre

    The Internet Watch Foundation partners with Childnet International and SWGfL in the UK Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC).

  5. EU co-funding

    IWF used to receive some funding from the European Union’s EU Safer Internet Programme. This is now provided by Nominet.

  6. This Peace Day help us stop sexual images and videos of children online

  7. IWF CEO Susie Hargreaves OBE: Why children are so important this Human Rights Day

    People revictimise abused children every time they view or share criminal material online. Children's voices need amplification, and their rights need sticking up for.

  8. Today (December 14) the Joint Committee published its report on the Government’s draft Online Safety Bill

    The report acknowledges the IWF plays a central role in this area, and said the Government needs to provide more clarity about how Ofcom will work with organisations like the IWF.

  9. New campaign kicks off to boost internet safety in Uganda and Zambia

    'We ask everyone to join this noble cause aimed towards curbing this vice that threatens our children’s well-being'.

  10. Internet regulation, responsibility and safety: policy, practicalities and the role of providers

  11. No more excuses.

  12. ‘Ofcom and Government should not reinvent the wheel’ - IWF stands ready to help regulator stamp out online child sexual abuse material

    The Government must now act on the Committee’s recommendations to make sure this legislation brings in the strong and effective safeguards we need to keep children safe online.