Multi-institutional portal project in Tunisia
Read about how we've worked with the Tunisian Ministry of Women, Family and the Elderly to make children safer off and online.
ReadWe work internationally to raise awareness of the issues relating to child sexual abuse imagery online.
Our CEO is a member of the WePROTECT Global Alliance International Advisory Board. We actively participate in various internet governance forums including the United Nations Internet Governance Forum, the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EURODIG), the United Nations International Telecommunications Union (UN ITU) and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
In 2017 the Indian Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology issued an order to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to remove child sexual abuse material online based on the IWF’s URL list.
You can read the Order here.
The Senate in the Philippines passed a Bill on Special Protections against Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children in May 2021, which is now being discussed by the House of Representatives. This sets out new duties for ISPs, including that they:
“Develop and adopt a set of systems and procedures for preventing, blocking, detecting, and reporting of OSAEC committed within their platforms, which are compatible with the services and products they offer, including the maintenance and management of an updated list of URLs containing child sexual abuse and exploitation material by partnering with organizations that maintain the most comprehensive list of URLs with CSAESM, and those with hashes of the same, such as the Internet Watch Foundation and/or INHOPE hotline.”
You can read the Bill here.
We have International Reporting Portals in 50 countries around the world. A portal is a simple, customised webpage where people can anonymously report images or videos of child sexual abuse. The reports are sent directly to our analysts in the UK for assessment and removal.
We work closely in partnership with local Governments, law enforcement agencies, NGOs and the internet and telecommunications industry to establish and run these portals.
To contact the IWF Policy and Public Affairs team, please email Bobbie Dennis, Policy and Public Affairs Officer at [email protected]
Read about how we've worked with the Tunisian Ministry of Women, Family and the Elderly to make children safer off and online.