Call for new Trustee to help IWF protect children in battle for online safety

Published:  Fri 28 Aug 2020

A “very special” person is needed to join the frontline of the battle to keep children safe online at a critical moment for internet safety.

The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) is looking for a new Trustee to help it protect children and create a safer internet at this critical and unprecedented time.

The IWF is the UK charity responsible for finding and removing images and videos of children suffering sexual abuse from the internet.

During lockdown, with more people than ever relying on the internet to stay in touch with each other, to work, and to learn, IWF analysts have been busier than ever. Never before has their work been more vital and more relevant to keeping children safe.

Andrew Puddephatt, Chair of the IWF, said: “The IWF is now at the very forefront of a battle to keep children safe. The new normal we are all facing is a world where we all rely so much more on the internet and online tools.

“The internet is a real lifeline, and we need a really special person to join us to make sure it is a safe place for everyone, especially children.

“We need someone who can bring their skills and expertise to collaborate with us in a technological environment. Some of the abuse we deal with is truly harrowing, and we need someone with a drive to protect vulnerable children, and the resilience to cope with the realities of our work.”

This is a voluntary co-optee position. The IWF is looking to work with someone who may have no prior Board experience, but who may be able to bring new skills and experience to strengthen the Board.

The successful candidate will be appointed on an annual basis at the AGM. The Board have agreed that the co-optee should serve three years initially and be eligible to be co-opted for a further three years, subject to approval at the AGM, up to a maximum of six years which is in line with all other Trustees’ terms.

The IWF is a partner in the UK Safer Internet Centre (UK SIC) with partners Childnet International and SWGfL. This is a unique partnership of three world-leading charities working together to deliver critical advice, resources, and interventions to help keep children and young people safe online

Collectively, they provide a hotline, two helplines and awareness raising and training for children in schools, for parents and teachers to help them keep themselves safer online. They also run the UK Safer Internet Day which in February 2020 reached 46% of all school age children.

The IWF is governed by a Board of 11 Trustees, which include an Independent Chair, six Independent Trustees, three Industry Trustees and one Co-opted Trustee.

The new trustee’s role will be

  • To promote and explain the organisation’s objectives, remit, actions and achievements.
  • To ensure that the organisation complies with its governing documents, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
  • To ensure that the organisation pursues its objects as defined in its governing documents.
  • To ensure the organisation applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects. • To promote the importance of keeping the organisation solvent.
  • To contribute actively to the Board’s role of giving strategic direction to the IWF, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and ensuring the executive develops suitable strategies and plans capable of achieving them.
  • To safeguard the good name and values of the organisation.
  • To maintain a duty of care for IWF staff.
  • To contribute to the Board’s responsibility of ensuring effective and efficient administration, financial stability and the effective management of the property of the organisation.

The closing date for the post is 11.59pm on Sunday 13 September. For more details and to apply, visit

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