ExoClick became an IWF Member on 1 September 2021.
They support us in our aims to eliminate online child sexual abuse.
For more information see their website: exoclick.com
As an online business, we have zero tolerance towards any form of online harm and exploitation of children. With the help of Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) services we know that we are able to report any suspicious online content directly to the IWF using its reporting tool, knowing that authorities will be notified and actions will be taken. Additionally, having a direct contact at the IWF to help us with any procedural actions makes the process easier. With the IWF being involved with the UK’s Online Safety Act, we are kept fully informed of any progress made in implementing the law. It is great working with the IWF because we can be assured that we are part of an ongoing movement that is ensuring that the internet is a safer place and that the right protections are being put in place to stop any form of online abuse targeting children.