We bring together people who care about child protection online. We work with the tech community, governments and law enforcement agencies internationally. We come together to talk and act with one voice, to fight child sexual abuse imagery online, to influence policy and to be part of the solution.
Our Members are doing the right thing. All children deserve to be protected from sexual abuse and exploitation.
The IWF combines the technical know-how with a deep understanding of the human cost of this awful crime. The organisation's work creates scale and impact to tackle this issue, and Google is proud to work so closely with the IWF.
IWF Members from the global tech community share our vision of making the internet a safer place for all children. It’s at the heart of everything we do. Our unique research into patterns of behaviour by online perpetrators gives partners valuable insights.
We’re also at the cutting-edge of new technology, developing tools and services designed to stop images of abuse being shared online. Our Tech-for-Good provides a combination of new technical tools, services and expertise. Members can use these game-changing services to help protect children online and make the internet a safer place for all users.
IWF Members are given licenced access to our dynamic blocking lists and our alerts services. These are lists of known child sexual abuse imagery and alerts to Members of any association with sites containing this criminal content. Each image or video has been identified and assessed as criminal, by our analysts. Our datasets help tech companies protect children, staff, customers and trust in their reputation.
People understand that companies working with us care about child protection.
Sometimes, long after the physical abuse itself has stopped, children and adults are still suffering the anxiety of knowing their abuse remains online. This must stop. Working together we can free victims of child sexual abuse from the repeated trauma of having a record of their abuse shared, again and again.
It’s simple to join. Complete a membership enquiry form or email members@iwf.org.uk and we’ll get in touch with you. If you’d prefer, you can call us on +44 (0)1223 20 30 30.