The International Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Bob Cunningham, CEO ICMEC

Based in the USA, the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC) is an NGO working to empower the global community with the tools, training and technology to create a safer world for children. They have worked in more than 120 countries and nations across all continents and provide training to prevent and respond to cases of missing children, child sexual exploitation and abuse.

Through our partnership with ICMEC, we aim to build capacity around child online protection internationally, and we’ve been able to rely on their extensive experience working with international stakeholders.

Capacity-building events

Our partnership with ICMEC focuses specifically on training and capacity building amongst front line workers on how to respond to and prevent online child sexual abuse. 

We have delivered trainings attended by hundreds of stakeholders in Kenya, Pakistan, Zambia and Uganda, and we are planning to deliver more sessions in Africa, the Middle East and Western Asia.

Capacity building events in Zambia and Uganda attracted more than 500 participants from government, the internet and telecommunications industry, law enforcement and local and international NGOs, and focused on deepening the understanding of the crime of child sexual abuse (on and offline) and on the ways to combat it.

Read more about our awareness campaign in Zambia and Uganda.

ICMEC’s support on IWF Reporting Portals

ICMEC has also supported us in launching reporting portals in countries where such a mechanism wasn’t available, such as the Argentinian portal, which launched in 2021 and was funded by the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children.

We also worked with ICMEC on a first-of-its-kind reporting portal that is accessible across nations. This portal enables citizens of countries and nations that don’t have a reporting mechanism yet, to still act against online child sexual abuse and report illegal images and videos. You can access the IWF-ICMEC portal here.

Portal launch Mongolia

Our Reporting Portals

The IWF have launched Reporting Portals in 53 countries and nations.

Read more