Child Helpline International (CHI), based in the Netherlands, helps launch, represents and supports child helplines all around the world - in 135 countries to date. They oversee 173 helplines, which are usually the first point of contact for a child to ask for support and call about an issue such as sexual abuse, physical violence, sexual health, and more.
Because child helplines are so important in helping children be safer, we partnered with CHI to build capacity amongst helpline staff to deal with online child sexual exploitation and abuse.
CHI and IWF e-Learning course on Online Child Sexual Exploitation & Abuse

As part of our awareness campaigns in Zambia and Uganda, we recognised the importance of including child helplines as key partners, as they can protect children locally. We realised that there was a lack of awareness amongst child helpline staff around reporting mechanisms, including portals. Child Helpline International created an online module that focuses on providing staff with basic knowledge and communication skills on how to identify and respond to cases of online child sexual exploitation and abuse, and on how to report images and videos of online child sexual abuse via the Ugandan and Zambian portals.